Davis’s talk, "Tapping into Resources for the Entrepreneur," is free and open to the public and begins at 8 a.m. in the Dean's Conference Room of Schneider Hall, home of the Haworth College of Business. A continental breakfast begins the event at 7:30 a.m.
Reservations are required by calling (269) 387-6059. Free parking is available in the Fetzer Center parking lot.
Davis brings an extensive academic background to the MI-SBTDC as well as practical business experience from both the private and public sectors. After many years in an advertising career, Davis joined the Secretary of Administration’s office for the State of Vermont under the leadership of Governor Howard Dean.
Upon returning to the state of Michigan, she joined Kalamazoo College serving in various capacities including director of operations of the L. Lee Stryker Center. She served as project manager of the economic development group, Regional EDGE, and as a MI-SBTDC business consultant. In 2003, she joined Davenport University as the department coordinator of the Management, Marketing and Legal departments for the Battle Creek, Holland and Kalamazoo Davenport University locations.
Davis became the regional director of the MI-SBTDC at WMU in 2009. The center provides a full range of services for small business emerging and growing throughout Southwest Michigan, including new venture companies, existing businesses and expanding businesses.
Davis received her bachelor's from the Haworth College of Business in 1988 with a concentration in advertising and marketing. She received her MBA from WMU in 1999.
The Keystone Community Bank Breakfast Speaker Series is underwritten through the generosity of Keystone Community Bank. The series provides an opportunity for members of the local community to hear top business leaders, WMU faculty, alumni and friends of the Haworth College of Business discuss current business issues and corporate strategies as well as key information regarding the continuing progress of the college.