Timothy R. Terrentine Sr., BS ’04, MA ’06, executive director of the Douglass Community Association, who has bachelor’s degree in family studies and a master’s degree in interpersonal/intercultural communication, will discuss “Empowering Community One Partnership at a Time” in the Dean’s conference room, (Room 2150, Schneider Hall) of the Haworth College of Business on the campus of Western Michigan University.
Reservations are required and may be made by calling (269) 387-5050. Parking is available in the nearby Fetzer Center parking lot.
The Douglass Community Association is a private non-profit social service agency which has devoted over a decade to empowering individuals to change their quality of life. Terrentine’s extensive experience in speaking, training, coaching, consulting, program direction, curriculum development, strategic planning, teaching, writing and positive urban youth development, has been a catalyst for positive change in the community. He has worked in many arenas from teaching interpersonal communication at WMU to program development and direction for Derek Jeter’s Turn 2 Foundation Inc.
Terrentine’s recent work includes the redevelopment and restructuring of a ninety year-old community service agency and the co-creation of the Kalamazoo Youth Violence Prevention Initiative and the Institute for New Leadership. Additionally, he serves on several boards and councils, including the Kalamazoo Public Schools Strategic Planning Team, Local Initiative Support Corporation (LISC), Family Health Center (Federally Qualified Health Center), institutional review boards and many others.
His approach to leadership through relating, community development and collaboration have been impactful in the community. Such evidence includes his recent induction into the WMU Alumni Hall of Fame in the School of Communication and his receipt of Kalamazoo County Health and Community Services Award for Community Dedication. The superintendent of the local school district has heralded Terrentine an “inveterate social conscience.” This sentiment extends to his leadership role in community development.
The Keystone Community Bank Breakfast Series is underwritten through the generosity of Keystone Community Bank. The series provides an opportunity for the local community to hear prominent business leaders, WMU faculty, alumni and friends of the Haworth College of Business discuss current business issues and corporate strategies as well as key information regarding the continuing progress of the college.